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Dream. Discover. Design.  That is the goal of the Pittsburgh Science and Technology Academy, a new Pittsburgh Public High School (grades 6-12) where students with an interest in science, technology, engineering or math can develop the necessary skills for a career in life sciences, environmental sciences, computing or engineering.  The Academy was the product of three years of extensive planning and research.  Designed and implemented by Pittsburgh Public Schools staff, with seven Advisory Committees and more than 250 individuals participating, the Academy’s development was underwritten with a Buhl grant of $277,422.  The Pittsburgh Science and Technology Academy aligns well with the Buhl Foundation’s interest in education, economic development, youth development and curriculum integration with a science and math focus. More recently, the Frick Fund of the Buhl Foundation celebrated its 100th anniversary with a $100,000 grant to encourage innovative programs initiated by PPS teachers. Other recent Buhl funding has supported initiatives ranging from curriculum integration of arts and cultural programs to teacher professional development. All of these grants are in support of Buhl and Frick’s focus on improving K-12 education.